Wound Care

Impacting healthcare system due to
increasing prevalence and cost
Based on a study in United States, the healthcare cost for all wounds is projected to range from USD28.1 billion to USD96.8 billion1. This is in part fuelled by the increase in diabetes due to modern lifestyle, rising geriatric population and growing number of road accidents and trauma injuries. Of these, surgical wounds and diabetic foot ulcers were the most expensive to treat1.
Physiologically impaired
wound healing process

Chronic wounds, also refer to as non-healing wounds, fail to proceed through the normal phases of wound healing in an orderly and timely manner, and remain open for more than a month. Patients suffering from diabetes and obesity are at high risk of developing chronic wounds2. Thirty percentage of untreated wound resulted in amputation with 30% of amputees having a 50% mortality rate within 5 years.

Common features of chronic wounds :

  • Excessive proinflammatory cytokines, proteases, radical oxygen species
  • Persistent microbial infection
  • Defective stem cells and cell functions
  • Degradation of growth factors and extracellular matrix
  • Lack of microvasculature

Wound Care

MSC-EVs based therapy enhances
wound healing process

Panthera Labs’s proprietary formulation of MEV-Epi has the potential to correct the defective healing process in chronic wounds by reducing inflammation and recruiting various cells required to restore the tissue architecture and function at the wound site. We believe in the potential of MEV-Epi to alleviate the pain and disease risk of patients suffering from chronic wounds.

What MEV-Epi offers

  • Enhancement of the healing process
  • No or minimal scar formation
  • Regain of functions
  • Avoidance of amputation risk for diabetic wound
Development Stages for
Wound Care